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  • Hannah Samantha

V-Magazine - Muscle Up, Buttercup

Vulva Magazine focuses and reflects on the life of the modern woman, featuring inspirational stories from all over the world, with women of all ages, race, size - everyone is included! Vulva Magazine is a platform which gives a voice to women.


Muscle up, Buttercup - Why Women Are Stronger Than Ever

2019. We are here. Women have broken so many boundaries and made so many gains in the fight for equality. Women are stronger than ever, with female-led businesses blowing up and becoming huge successes, more books being published and more awards are given to women.

But inequality still exists, in all matters of sex, race, religion, careers, sexuality, disability and more. Emma Roper and Hannah Mathieson discuss what being a woman is like in 2019.

Ready, Freddie? Let’s go.

Emma Roper | Hannah Mathieson

Gender, as a whole, we understand more but I think of the women, like the Suffragettes, who broke the rules first. Yet now, we have the causes and means to discuss issues more freely and make a difference as a whole.

There are so many platforms where women are speaking up and out about topics such as pay gaps and calling out news headlines, fake news, photoshopping, politics to even discuss how women’s nipples look like flowers in the female muscle system. They literally look like flowers. It’s mind-blowing and fascinating at the same time.

I didn’t believe it when I first saw the female muscle system. It’s 2019 and it was the first time I’ve seen it before. It’s actually shocking that teachers don’t show you this in school when learning biology. It’s our body!

What do you think of stereotypes of women in the media?

The stereotype of powerful women has been overcome but I think that the media’s portrayal of women is still something that should be addressed. Women are never the protagonist in adverts. Unless of course, it’s for cleaning. I am over it.

Stereotypes of women such as the “weakling” or just there for a male gaze are less so in film and TV but they still stand. Adverts should be treated the same way as film and TV are. Everyone watches them. Adverts shouldn’t be passed over or glanced at just because they are shorter. They still impact our lives but most importantly younger viewers who are more impressionable.

I 100% agree. Everyone watches TV, especially in the run-up for summer with shows such as ITV’s Love Island or Channel 5’s Big Brother. Last year they had adverts for boob jobs and plastic surgery. People are impressionable, no matter their age.

Our generation is changing it up. Gen Z and Millennials are changing the rules - it is obvious. The use of social media, while growing horrendously for our mental health, is making strides when it comes to speaking our true feelings about the world, with the world - all online.

As a generation, we are speaking more freely about what we believe in. This results in a change that is happening quicker than ever before. I think that Millennials and Gen Z’ers question what is put before us and if we aren’t happy we will change it. That is a fact.

We are the ones that have the power. Everyone talks about influencers making big changes. Well, I think we are all influencers. We are all making our mark in the world and changing the game - including politics, mental health, #MeToo and breaking societal standards.

I want the future generations of women growing up to know that being different is a great thing. Being able to express yourself at such a young age and know who you truly are is amazing. I’ve only just understood myself at 21 and I’m envious of those who truly know themselves when they are younger.

Uniqueness is what makes you who you are. I don’t think we should compare ourselves, our Instagram feed or where we are in careers and our relationship status. Social media is a gift and a curse at the same time. Comparison is the thief of joy, as Theodore Roosevelt once said, which is undoubtedly true.

Women around the world are having such a big impact. Going back to the topic of influencers, there are many who are changing minds and changing the game of what the meaning of success and happiness is.

One of the most influential women I follow is Suzie Bonaldi, also known as HelloOctober. She’s just got this attitude like this is what I’m doing and I don’t give a crap about what anyone else thinks. She’s a really strong woman and I just love her and her style. She is just a badass bitch. Her Spotify is a killer as well.

I bloody love Suzie. She is incredible. The biggest influencer for me is Grace Beverly. She is absolutely mind-blowing and I’ve been following her for years. Not only is she graduating from Oxford University with a degree, but she also has two successful businesses, with products for the gym and her own clothing brand. When I say successful, I mean she sold 10,000 products in the UK alone within 30 minutes. She is strong, speaks her mind and like Suzie - a badass bitch.

You should never apologise for being a confident, ambitious and strong-minded person. Time to upgrade your standards, mindset but most importantly: your hustle. Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. If you want to build your own business, do it. What you are doing right this second is your legacy you are leaving behind. The thing that we keep telling ourselves? Your dreams are possible if you are willing to work and never give up. So we are going to work our asses off.

In the words of Bratz: be who you wanna be. You have the power for change in your hands. So use it. You might hit a few bumps along the way, but that is life. Shit happens but we are part of the new generation. And so are you. Today you are reading. Tomorrow? You are leading.

Written by Hannah Mathieson.


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